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A Day at Our School

Willow Nursery School is licensed for 6 children, with a ratio of 1:4 to keep a high quality of care.

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Daily Schedule


Our day begins inside where children are welcomed to school and encouraged to explore the classroom while drop-offs occur. After saying goodbye, children engage in various materials until meeting time at 9:15. At 9:30 we enjoy morning snack, then have free play in the environment until 11:15. Circle time is from 11:15-11:30, when we have lunch. After lunch, the children are again free to play as they wish until 1:00.

Infants require care tailored to them, so nap times and feedings may vary. As children grow older, they often fall into the same routines, and eventually end up on the same feeding/nap schedule at school. These times can vary from what is seen at home, but that's to be expected in a care setting. Making sure the children's needs are met while in care is our top priority!

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Consistency is important especially for young children, for it is then that children feel safe and are able to trust others. Staying consistent with daily routines such as drop-off and circle time help the child understand what will come next in their day.  Children are also given opportunities to work on independence, such as using their own fork, spoon and cup, and pushing their chair to the snack table.


Outdoors & Play

Current research backs what children already know: that play is essential for the growth and development of young children. We are a play-based center, which means that children are allowed to play freely with the materials at school. Maria Montessori said, "What the hand does the mind remembers". The most memorable learning comes from hands-on experiences. Our curriculum evolves from the interests of the children; they lead their learning while adults help guide and challenge their thinking.


The outdoors is another crucial part of the positive growth a child needs. We enjoy the outdoors rain or shine, so come to school ready to get messy! Messy clothes are proof your child had a great time.

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We provide rich, open-ended materials for the children to use as they see fit so they may create whatever their imagination allows. We value process over product, which means you will never see 'cookie cutter' artwork hanging on the walls. We allow children to express their creativity and individuality!

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